Text Sample

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Ex, sit, exercitationem, eveniet sapiente quas reprehenderit repudiandae nostrum libero iusto illum quibusdam sed recusandae sint adipisci laboriosam ea a ad quasi.

Text Sample

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Ex, sit, exercitationem, eveniet sapiente quas reprehenderit repudiandae nostrum libero iusto illum quibusdam sed recusandae sint adipisci laboriosam ea a ad quasi.

Text Sample

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Ex, sit, exercitationem, eveniet sapiente quas reprehenderit repudiandae nostrum libero iusto illum quibusdam sed recusandae sint adipisci laboriosam ea a ad quasi.

Sponsorship & Exhibition

Pisa, St. Nicolas Church - Stone inlay inspired by the Fibonacci series

We are delighted and enthusiastic to invite your company to participate in the 17th Congress of the European Society for Photobiology as a sponsor and/or exhibitor.

The Congress will be held from 4 to 8 September 2017 in Pisa (Italy), a beautiful and lively Tuscan town situated in some of Europe’s most attractive scenery and home to many creative spirits in the fields of science and art.

The Conference will be an important forum, assembling the top international scientists in the field of photobiology, photochemistry, and photomedicine, for dissemination of advanced knowledge and technological development in all fields of photobiological research, for scientific discussions and exchange of new ideas and for establishing new collaborations for future research. We expect the attendance of the Congress to exceed 400 participants.

You should not miss this unique opportunity to contribute to the meeting and communicate your company’s message directly to your target audiences. Full recognition of your sponsorship will be made at the meeting, in Congress literature and on our website.

Please download the Sponsorship Brochure

An appealing opportunity for your company is opening the floor for corporate speakers to deliver a scientific lecture in one of the symposia. Your company surely has much to share with scientists in the world of photobiology. The delivery style must be scientific rather than promotional.

Even if your company would prefer not to take advantage of the opportunity to speak at the Congress, we respectfully ask you to consider attending the Congress 2017 as an Exhibitor or Sponsor. Sponsorship opportunities include events, such as the gala dinner, the welcome reception, a coffee break, a plenary lecture or symposium or sponsorship of an invited symposium speaker or students/young researchers.

We believe there will be much of interest and benefit to your company.

Thank you for your consideration and we would be delighted to welcome you to the Congress of the European Society for Photobiology.

We look forward to your support.

Contacts: Patricia Vicendo (  ), Rex M. Tyrrell (  ), Francesco Ghetti (  )